The Molecular Mechanobiology Lab
Welcome to the website for the Vanegas research group in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Oregon State University. Here, you will find relevant information about the research interests of our group, publications, news, and group members.
Research Interests
The Vanegas group uses atomistic, coarse-grained, and ab initio molecular simulation methods to understand the physical principles underlying the function of biological systems. We develop innovative state of the art molecular simulation tools in steered molecular dynamics and local stress/elasticity calculations (GROMACS-LS and MDStressLib) to address two fundamental questions in the area of nano-scale biomechanics:
1) What is the role of lipid chemical structure in the elastic properties of model biomembranes?
2) What are the activation mechanisms of mechanosensitive proteins (responsible for sensing external physical stimuli such as pressure)?
With the grateful support from
Interested in joining the group? - Looking for Ph.D. students!
News and Events
- A lot of blood sweat and tears went into this one!! Congrats to Rajitha for a great paper (highlighted under 'New and Notable' in the January issue of Biophys. J.) and thanks to our collaborators at UMD!! Read the article here ...
- Great work by undergrad Physics alumna Conner Winkeljohn and Materials Science grad student Ben Himberg for the upcoming Computational and Experimental Advances in Biomembranes Virtual Special Issue at J Phys Chem B Read the article here ...
- Hot off the press! "The mechanism of catalysis by L-asparaginase" Read more ...
- Professor Vanegas' CAREER proposal has been awarded by the NSF!! Find the project description here ...
- Lovely weather and excellent talks/posters at BPS 2020!
- Upcoming publication at Annual Reviews of Physical Chemistry "Hydration Mimicry by Membrane Ion Channels" Read the pre-print on the arXiv ...
- Our recent work "Combined molecular/continuum modeling reveals the role of friction during fast unfolding of coiled-coil proteins" is now published! Read more ...
- Our collaborative NSF MRI grant "MRI: Acquisition of a GPU Accelerated Vermont Advanced Computing Core" has been funded! Looking forward to working with UVM's new supercomputer "DeepGreen".
- Presented our work on free energy calculations of mechanosensitive channel activation at the ACS meeting in Boston (Aug. 19th-23rd, 2018)
- Our recent work "Probing key elements of teixobactin–lipid II interactions in membranes" is now published! Read more ...
- Invited seminar at Virginia Tech, Department of Physics (Apr. 30th, 2018)
- Presented our work on mechanical properties of model lipid membranes at the March APS Meeting in LA (March 5 - 9th, 2018).
- Our recent work "Ultra-thin enzymatic liquid membrane for CO2 separation and capture" is out! Read more ...
Selected Publications

Abstract. Coiled-coils are filamentous proteins that form the basic building block of important force-bearing cellular elements, such as intermediate filaments and myosin motors. In addition to their biological importance, coiled-coil proteins are increasingly used in new biomaterials including fibers, nanotubes, or hydrogels. Coiled-coils undergo a structural transition from an α-helical coil to an unfolded state upon extension, which allows them to sustain large strains and is critical for their biological function. [...]

Abstract. The envelope (E) protein of Dengue virus rearranges to a trimeric hairpin to mediate fusion of the viral and target membranes, which is essential for infectivity. Insertion of E into the target membrane serves to anchor E and possibly also to disrupt local order within the membrane[...]

Abstract. We revisit the derivation of the microscopic stress, linking the statistical mechanics of particle systems and continuum mechanics. The starting point in our geometric derivation is the Doyle–Ericksen formula [...]

Abstract. The microscopic stress field provides a unique connection between atomistic simulations and mechanics at the nanoscale. However, its definition remains ambiguous. Rather than a mere theoretical [...]

Abstract. Type II bacterial l-asparaginases (l-ASP) have played an important therapeutic role in cancer treatment for over four decades, yet their exact [...]

Abstract. The bacterial mechanosensitive channel MscL, a small protein mainly activated by membrane tension, is a central model system to study the transduction of mechanical stimuli into chemical signals. Mutagenic studies suggest that MscL gating strongly depends on both intra-protein and interfacial lipid-protein interactions. However, there is a gap between this [...]

Abstract. Local stress fields are routinely computed from molecular dynamics trajectories to understand the structure and mechanical properties of lipid bilayers. These calculations can be systematically understood with the Irving–Kirkwood–Noll theory. In identifying the stress tensor, a crucial step is the decomposition of the forces on the particles into pairwise [...]